Aloha! For those that follow this blog, I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while.We've been in Hawaii for a week. It's been a little crazy! We've spent a lot of time getting accustomed to where we live and things to do.
I went to the Hilo Farmer's Market last Wed. and I am SOLD. With discovering farmers markets in LA and Hilo, it's definitely the way to go. This past wed. I purchased a pineapple (MMM), spinach, zucchini, a bag of strawberry papaya, and banana's all for $8. You can't get those prices at a store, especially home grown, no chemicals added, type of produce. :) :) I was very happy.
It's such a change of life here.We live on a highly traveled, dead end road. A lot of the shoreline accesses is off the road as well as a large bike lane (FINALLY, WE LIVE IN A CITY WITH A BIKE LANE!!!). In the morning, I see a lot of people running/riding their bikes. It's an amazing site. In LA you really had to push through people or ride in the road to do either.
My husband and I ran for the first time since we moved here. Oh it was horrible lol. It's a shame how hard you can work on your body and how QUICKLY it gets out of shape. My knees/legs were NOT happy. I really need to make running an every day routine. We are debating on entering another 10K/5K they are hosting on the island. We're not sure if we can swing the entry fee but, we'll see :) It's just sad, if I was training this whole time (like i did for the 5K) I would perhaps been able to have participated in the half marathon :( Oh well, maybe another time.
I hope all is well and you all are enjoying your summer and are getting outside every day!
Stay Posted, Stay Healthy!
I can't believe what you were able to get for $8. I would be in love and probably go there every other day if I were you. I also agree about how much work it takes to be in shape and how easy it is to loose it. We just got back from vacation and I did nothing for a week but eat and lay on the beach. Time for me to get back to working out! Take care and enjoy your summer!!