Friday, November 11, 2011

My fitness Pal (plus Iphone app) an overview.

My Fitness Pal

There are many diverse calorie/fitness tracking systems. Some of them are free, some expensive. Some come in book forms, some just internet databases.

I've recently found one that I love!. At first I dismissed it for the another program, BUT after a recent discovery (an app available for the phone) it's one of the most CONVENIENT APPS/Programs I've come to love.

My Fitness Pal.

It's a great website. Not only does it have a much bigger database than most (exercise and food) BUT it does all the math for you and helps you with your weight loss.

After you create your profile you can edit what your goal is (gain lbs, lose 1 lb, 1.5 lb etc) . Using your measurements and weight, it will calculate what your calorie goal is for every day. ALSO when you enter in your exercises it calculates your net calories (calories burned and needed to regain energy, nutrients, etc etc) so no more confusing numbers for you to keep track of!

A feature on the website, I wish they would add on the phone, is the breakdown of your nutrients, my diary consists a list of my carbs, fat, and proteins. It keeps track of every food I eat and groups them together with what meal I had them with (breakfast, lunch, or dinner), that way I can work on certain meals and getting them down to the right balance. It also helps me see what each individual item costs me every day I eat it.

 ALSO one of its best (and my favorite) is the Iphone App (FREE) that goes along WITH your website.

I carry my Iphone almost everywhere I go (except in the water and on the work floor). My fitness pal has an AMAZING app on it! You no longer have insert a certain brand  of Peanut Butter (for example)  double check, is it the low"wait this calorie count is different than whats on the label!" .into a database .no more guessing. I simply go to the "My Fitness Pal App" Pic 1 (I have all my fitness apps combined in a folder)

In the right hand corner you see a blue button that looks like a UPC code. I click on that

My Camera turns on and I scanned the bottom of a Swiss Miss Box, I drank one mix of this today.

After I scan it, the nutrition facts pop up (99.9% of the time) and after I click add, it's added to my diary of what I have eaten today. Simple, easy, and FREE.

This, by far, wins my vote for My Fitness pal. It takes out the guess work for the many, many food items we eat every day.

ALSO. You can track your exercises you completed for the day with this app.

You go back to the add entry menu and you can click on either cardiovascular or strength. Within those individual menus you can find workouts or customize your own based on how long you worked out along with your heart rate.

I have to credit a friend for sharing some of this information with me, BUT I have found that I LOVE this app. I use it everyday and so far am having much luck with it!

If you have an iphone, you should try it!

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